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Monday, 8 April 2013

Wacky Kim is the least of our worries

China, Russia and the new 'pivot states’ pose the biggest challenge to our democratic values, says John Kampfner

While it might be tempting to read North Korea's offer of a moratorium on nuclear enrichment as policy turnaround in Pyongyang following the death of the dictator Kim Jong-il, the reality is likely to be far more mundane.
Kim Jong-Un is a child-dictator who runs an isolated, hungry non-nation Photo: REX
The nostalgic in me has loved the news coverage of recent days – the television footage of the wacky dictator acknowledging the synchronised clapping of the robotic parliament, and the hysterical tones of the announcer proclaiming that the proletarian revolution will slay all who stand in its way. I cut my journalistic teeth in the Cold War, and so it was a trip down memory lane to watch Britain and the United States warning of the dangers posed by a communist dictatorship.
The problem is that the only one left standing is North Korea — a pantomime people’s republic run by a 29-year-old loopy loo, by the name of Kim Jong-un. This child-dictator runs an isolated, hungry non-nation whose only claim to fame is its potential nuclear threat.
His recent upsurge in bellicosity has sent the West scurrying for cover. While the Americans deploy state-of-the-art bombing equipment, David Cameron reaches for the hyperbole phrase book, declaring that such is the existential threat to Britain, we must hang on to our Trident nuclear deterrent.
Mr Kim may well, in his propagandist paranoia, be capable of a mad strike. There may be nothing wrong, therefore, in the Americans sending him a warning (although the quieter diplomacy of the Chinese is likely to be more effective). Yet the idea that a state that can barely keep the lights on constitutes a threat to the UK is absurd.
Either David Cameron is ill-informed, or the Prime Minister is using this outburst by Mr Kim (a cross between a James Bond and a Sacha Baron Cohen baddy) as a cynical manoeuvre to put the case for the renewal of our submarine-based Trident nuclear system that will costs tens of billions of pounds just at a time when every fiver counts.
But there is a bigger failure of analysis here. Kim (and his father and grandfather) represents a disappearing species. He personifies the type of 20th-century dictator who once posed a real danger, when we saw a Red under every bed and tanks were ranged against each other on the plains of central Germany
North Korea remains a problem. Iran is a danger, particularly if it acquires nuclear weapons. Robert Mugabe is not everyone’s cup of tea. But we delude ourselves if we think these oddballs pose the gravest threat to democratic values.
Far more worrying is what could be called the 21st-century authoritarians — contemporary China, Russia and others who follow their model. These states have learnt much from their unsuccessful pasts. They have discovered that their old economic models did not work and that they can give their people certain rights, but not others. Their citizens now enjoy “private freedoms” – such as the right to travel, to make and spend money, own property and choose the education for their children. That, for sure, is a huge step forward in societies when even these rights were largely denied.
But these regimes do not embrace the public freedoms that we hold dear — freedom of expression and association, genuine multi-party democracy and strong civil society and civil liberties. They go after anyone who raises their head above the parapet, who causes trouble for the political leadership, security henchmen and business cronies. The vast majority of people prefer to keep their heads down, including the growing middle class who would rather spend time on the ski slopes of Courchevel than in jail.
Consumerism is the perfect anaesthetic for the brain in the brave new Russian and Chinese world of authoritarian capitalism. This model, which originated in Singapore, is attracting converts around the world. It is what makes the Gulf tick. Is this where the newly emerging powers — from Turkey to Brazil, from Indonesia to South Africa, from Mexico to Nigeria — are heading? Countries such as these are known at the Foreign Office as “pivot states”.
Formerly known as developing nations, they are emerging as important regional brokers. In terms of human rights, they shift from one model to the other and have yet to settle. With the good fortune of the English language, with our established history of openness and freedom and our membership of all the main global institutions, we have more influence than we realise.
There is a battle on, but it is one that requires more subtle and varied weapons than of old. As the Government’s Strategic Defence Review noted, the biggest threats to the UK are likely to come from terrorism, civil conflict, cyber security, energy security, migration patterns and organised crime. As the military top brass would be the first to acknowledge, our security interests have changed considerably since the Cold War.
Most of all, as the West’s economic power wanes, for the first time in our lifetimes we face an alternative political model that, sadly, is attracting genuine followers. We need to be smart to win over the waverers around the world. This is a far more potent problem than a hissy fit from Mr Kim.
John Kampfner is author of 'Freedom for Sale’ and 'Blair’s Wars’

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